Tuesday, March 08, 2016

A color pencil evangelist

I have so far have won over one convert. OK, "evangelist" might be overstating it a tad. I don't bring up the topic unless I know the person might be receptive.

I was talking to a friend who has semi-retired, but keeps herself busy tutoring teenagers in their school subjects; she also has her church work and household chores to juggle. Her children are grown-up, pursuing their own careers. At one point last year, she was hit by the blues when she realised her life was changing from how she had known it to be.

Over coffee, I told her about my new hobby and suggested that she take it up. Her first reaction was: "Oh, unlike you, I was never good in art in school. The art teacher kept yelling at me: 'Tones! Tones! I want to see tones! Light and shadow!'"

I told her that the horrible Mrs Beetsma wasn't around anymore to stand in judgment, and that she was free to color pictures in as she pleased. I bought this dear friend a coloring book, and gifted her my slightly used 24 Faber Castells and a set of 12 water color pencils, Faber Castell's Aquarelles - the kind that give water color effects if you add a wet paintbrush to the areas colored. 

Over the next week, she was sending me pictures of her finished work, pleased that coloring them in was giving her a new focus. She also said she was finding the activity strangely relaxing.  I hope she continues enjoying this.

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